KSHB Does Insightful Follow-up To Our Art Recession Town Hall
KSHB 41 follows up with an insightful story to GuildIt’s arts recession town hall, with two of the panelists City in Motion Dance Theater, Inc.’s Lydia Knopp and Arts Council of Johnson County Sarah VanLanduyt. Link to 2-minute video: https://www.kshb.com/news/local-news/arts-community-in-kansas-city-area-still-recovering-after-pandemic-slowdown
- Published in GUILDit News
Event: KC Covid Art Recession: Who thrived, who survived, who still needs help?
Register for the town hall at EventBrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/kc-covid-art-recession-who-thrived-who-survived-who-still-needs-help-tickets-682408290567 —— Tuesday, Aug. 22, 6-7:30pm at Johnson County Central Library. —— Join us in a town hall discussion led by a panel of art leaders whose organizations and artists thrived, survived, and still need help recovering from the art recession. In 2020, KC Rising reported that of 24
- Published in GUILDit Presents, Special Events