KSHB 41 follows up with an insightful story to GuildIt’s arts recession town hall, with two of the panelists City in Motion Dance Theater, Inc.’s Lydia Knopp and Arts Council of Johnson County Sarah VanLanduyt. Link to 2-minute video: https://www.kshb.com/news/local-news/arts-community-in-kansas-city-area-still-recovering-after-pandemic-slowdown

Register for the town hall at EventBrite: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/kc-covid-art-recession-who-thrived-who-survived-who-still-needs-help-tickets-682408290567 —— Tuesday, Aug. 22, 6-7:30pm at Johnson County Central Library. —— Join us in a town hall discussion led by a panel of art leaders whose organizations and artists thrived, survived, and still need help recovering from the art recession. In 2020, KC Rising reported that of 24

GUILDit envisions a future of an art village at the multi-industry Plexpod Wesport Coworking Building. The development will serve 1,281 art entrepreneurs, plus 63,350 students and audience members with coworking, studios, a theatre, and a gallery. To make it happen, investors are invited to rebuild Kansas City’s culture. The total cost for 3 years is

View the inspiring workshop video and slides below this description. Studies have shown artists have been hit the hardest by the covid recession, for in addition to social distancing and quarantine, they have lost their outlet of expression and significant income. Let’s chat with Coach and Artist Codie Lea plus Coach and Designer Linda Mordan,