Sponsor GuildIt
Help us grow art and entrepreneurship. At our forums our artists have received grants, paying gigs, ideas for increasing their market, and more. Plus, our audience members have gained business ideas and expanded their network. Attend, share, promote, and donate to our cause.
Sponsor Benefits
- Support a unique KC organization, plus the arts, artists, and entrepreneurs
- Populate best business practices and help grow businesses
- Promote to 1500 – 40,000+ patrons
- Increase your brand recognition to a captive audience of artists,
entrepreneurs, college students, and patrons. - GUILDit is Community Reinvestment Act certified
Sponsor packet: Sponsor_Art_Biz_GUILDit_2023-24
For sponsorship questions, please call Executive Director Susana Bruhn: 913./-.909./-.6667.
Examples of GuildIt’s Impact: “Our Top Successes”: 2022 // 2021 // 2020 // 2019 // 2018 // 2017 // 2016 // 2015
A 2-minute video Celebrating 5 years of GUILDit!
Major Funders and Supporters
Current Funders: |
Service Providers: |
Event Hosts: |
Past Funders: |