2015 Top Ten GUILDit Happenings

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KC’s lil biz forum for artists has a lot to be thankful for. Since we launched in May, we’ve had some great happenings:

  1. As a result of her GuildIt presentation, celebrating Native American month, Dancer and Choreographer Maura G. was approached by JCCC Education Outreach Department. They offered to write a grant on her behalf to provide dance integration workshops for education professionals. Maura has since received the grant and started sharing with the community

  2. Poet Sheri H. got a recurring paying gig offer, an agent referral for a new line of revenue (voice over work) and encouragement to apply for residency programs so as to write her first book for a publishing house.
  3. The KC Film Office followed-up with 3 GuildIt alums on their national ambitions: actors Meagan F. and Mo B., plus filmmaker Mikal S.
  4. Follow-up studio critiques were given by Sean Kelly
  5. A connection that led to appointing Luis Garcia to the CinemaKC Board
  6. Robyn V. received encouragement to charge more for her amazing wax paintings and make a marketing video of her involving process, which requires a blow-torch.
  7. Presenter Vi T. offered a paid internship to an audience member.
  8. The dedicated GUILDit team of Ebony Johnson, Andi Myers, Luis Garcia, Christian Hankel, SusanaB, Sean Kelly, Simon Kuo, Pat Flynn, Adelia Ganson and Hugh Merrill.
  9. The ongoing support of ArtsKC’s Paul Tyler, our host The Kauffman Foundation and other organizations, plus the many artists and art enthusiasts who participate in our events.
  10. The many happenings that just happen when you get a room full of talented artists and art enthusiasts together.

To support more of our happenings:
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