2015 Top Ten GUILDit Happenings
KC’s lil biz forum for artists has a lot to be thankful for. Since we launched in May, we’ve had some great happenings:
As a result of her GuildIt presentation, celebrating Native American month, Dancer and Choreographer Maura G. was approached by JCCC Education Outreach Department. They offered to write a grant on her behalf to provide dance integration workshops for education professionals. Maura has since received the grant and started sharing with the community
- Poet Sheri H. got a recurring paying gig offer, an agent referral for a new line of revenue (voice over work) and encouragement to apply for residency programs so as to write her first book for a publishing house.
- The KC Film Office followed-up with 3 GuildIt alums on their national ambitions: actors Meagan F. and Mo B., plus filmmaker Mikal S.
- Follow-up studio critiques were given by Sean Kelly
- A connection that led to appointing Luis Garcia to the CinemaKC Board
- Robyn V. received encouragement to charge more for her amazing wax paintings and make a marketing video of her involving process, which requires a blow-torch.
- Presenter Vi T. offered a paid internship to an audience member.
- The dedicated GUILDit team of Ebony Johnson, Andi Myers, Luis Garcia, Christian Hankel, SusanaB, Sean Kelly, Simon Kuo, Pat Flynn, Adelia Ganson and Hugh Merrill.
- The ongoing support of ArtsKC’s Paul Tyler, our host The Kauffman Foundation and other organizations, plus the many artists and art enthusiasts who participate in our events.
- The many happenings that just happen when you get a room full of talented artists and art enthusiasts together.
To support more of our happenings:
– Like us on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/Goguildit
– Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/goGUILDit
– Donate to support our efforts http://www.guildit.org/donate/