Halloween Haunts & Delights

Storytelling (tix available) & Raffle (sold-out) Thur., Oct. 29th 7-8pm on Zoom // Get tickets >> Join GUILDit for an evening of spooky stories, raffle giveaways, and help support arts entrepreneurship. Tickets start at $10.  Two epic tales of death and greed, from Africa and Europe, by two nationally known Kansas City storytellers.–  First Br.

Michael Toombs presents 2/9 at ArtsBar

Michael Toombs is an accomplished painter and art activist, plus founder and Director of Storytellers Inc., Artist Collective. His believes and is known for using “Art is a change agent for society’s difficulties.” In the past 15 years Storytellers has served over 17,000 young people in arts programming, by contract and as community volunteers Storytellers