GK Callahan Art/Biz Talk
Tuesday, 08 June 2021
Join us on the fourth Thursday, June 24, 12– 1 pm, in-person @ Center for Spiritual Living (between Missy B’s and KU Med), 1014 W 39th St, Kansas City, MO 64111 (masks required and free ones can be provided). Also online @ Facebook Live https://www.facebook.com/Goguildit/live/ Visual Artist and UMKC Educator GK Callahan will present his
- Published in GUILDit Presents, Special Events
Haunts & Delights Video
Wednesday, 01 July 2020
Join GUILDit for spooky stories and help support arts entrepreneurship. Pricing starts at $10 >>> https://secure.qgiv.com/for/guild/event/822199/ Two epic tales of death and greed, from Africa and Europe, by two nationally known Kansas City storytellers.— Br. John will command the African folktale of “How Death Came To Mankind” that tells of Anansi, the original Spider-Man, who
- Published in Special Events