Sunflower sponsorship of GUILDit

Sunflower Bank Sponsorship

A BIG THANKS to Sunflower Bank, N.A. for their $2,000 sponsorship! The money will help GuildIt in assisting artists to recover from the epidemic recession. The Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce findings showed the arts as the hardest-hit industry by the recession, so it is definitely needed aid. Pictured are GUILDit team members Evan Shufflebarger,

Top 5 Successes of 2020

Your support has made GUILDit endure and thrive. We are thankful to be there for you and we share these successes with you.  To help grow GUILDit in 2021, sign-up for our newsletter and attend our events. Plus, donate or contact our director about a sponsorship packet or grant proposal.   Celebrating 5  years of GUILDIt!See

GUILDit Bit – May Issue

Welcome to GUILDit’s Bit May newsletter! Our Bit highlights some of the great art & entrepreneur happenings in KC and beyond. Take a bit of time to be enlightened by these bits: Grants, Residencies, Women Entrepreneurs, C21 Art Gallery Opening, Sponsorship,…

Annual Sponsorship Opportunities

Partner with us to increase better business practices and revenue streams for presenting artists and our audiences of artists, businesses entrepreneurs, college students, and patrons. Some of our Successful Stats: 85% of GUILDit presenters are able to better address business Challenges 77% of GUILDit presenters are able to better address business Needs 52% of GUILDit presenters are diverse in their ethnicity, religion, and sexual preference