Robert Castillo Art/Biz Talk, 6/23 @ KCAC
Tuesday, 31 May 2022
Join us on the fourth Thur. April 28, 12– 1 pm, for an in-person forum @ KC Artist Coalition Gallery, 3200 Gillham Rd; Kansas City, MO or Facebook Live: Robert Castillo is a Jazz bassist, composer, electronic music producer, oil painter, and stone sculptor. This first-generation American, utilizes many revenue streams to support his art practice including selling
- Published in GUILDit Presents
Black Lives R Gifts
Thursday, 11 June 2020
ART: Maya Angelou: Poet, singer, memoirist, and activist. Angelou used her gift of prose to create a change in people’s hearts. As a child, a period of abuse took her voice, but she overcame her adversity to become one of the most famous and influential voices of all time. She published 7 autobiographies, 3 books
- Published in GUILDit News