Join us Thurs. 8/25, 12-1pm, on Zoom  meeting ID: 838 4530 1098 or Facebook Live Get Creative with Social Media … How do you define your product? Do you know your target market? Where do you promote and sell your products? Strategies all work together. The best marketing tool is the 1 that

Halloween Haunts & Delights

Storytelling (tix available) & Raffle (sold-out) Thur., Oct. 29th 7-8pm on Zoom // Get tickets >> Join GUILDit for an evening of spooky stories, raffle giveaways, and help support arts entrepreneurship. Tickets start at $10.  Two epic tales of death and greed, from Africa and Europe, by two nationally known Kansas City storytellers.–  First Br.

Haunts & Delights Video

Join GUILDit for spooky stories and help support arts entrepreneurship. Pricing starts at $10 >>> Two epic tales of death and greed, from Africa and Europe, by two nationally known Kansas City storytellers.— Br. John will command the African folktale of “How Death Came To Mankind” that tells of Anansi, the original Spider-Man, who