Join other entrepreneurs for an insightful and prosperous speed networking event. Expand your contacts, share resources, build upon goals, and possibly collaborate, after chatting 1-on-1 for a few minutes with other creatives, artists, photographers, writers,… – When: Tuesday, April 16 at 6:30 – 8 PM – Where: InterUrban ArtHouse; 8001 Newton St, Overland Park, KS 66204

190 Attended Our Library Event!

Illustrators Mark English & Sterling Hundley were a great draw and gave amazing talks! Even the library staff was impressed! Check out the live event tweetings of speakers’ insights, photos and slides  . The event video will be posted by 7/15. Note: Our next event is Thursday 7/8, 12-1pm at the Kemper, more info coming

Join us on….. Wednesday (our first and only Wednesday event this year) July 6th, 6-7pm, (our first evening event) Reception 6-6:30, Forum 6:30-7:30   At the KC Central Library (our BIGGEST event yet) 14 W 10 St, Kansas City, MO 64105 Find out how our dynamic artists do what they do and more….