KC Art Village To Rebuild KC’s Culture
GUILDit envisions a future of an art village at the multi-industry Plexpod Wesport Coworking Building. The development will serve 1,281 art entrepreneurs, plus 63,350 students and audience members with coworking, studios, a theatre, and a gallery. To make it happen, investors are invited to rebuild Kansas City’s culture. The total cost for 3 years is
- Published in GUILDit News
Sunflower Bank Sponsorship
A BIG THANKS to Sunflower Bank, N.A. for their $2,000 sponsorship! The money will help GuildIt in assisting artists to recover from the epidemic recession. The Greater Kansas City Chamber of Commerce findings showed the arts as the hardest-hit industry by the recession, so it is definitely needed aid. Pictured are GUILDit team members Evan Shufflebarger,
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The Selling of Art and Value of Artists
Join us Thursday 4/22, 12– 1pm on Facebook Live https://www.facebook.com/Goguildit/live/ or on Zoom: Join Zoom Let’s brainstorm with Kimberly Beer. She will talk on ‘Determining Your Value Proposition as an Artist’…You want to be a successful business owner BUT, whenever you’re at a class or workshop you feel left out because all the other businesses in
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City In Motion Dance & Arts Recovery Forum
Join us Thursday 3/25, 12– 1pm on Facebook Live https://www.facebook.com/Goguildit/live/ or on Zoom /// Meeting ID: 891 4729 4091 /// Passcode: 142933 /// https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89147294091?pwd=QzllbTBxTGVDV0Y3NGdqY2Fxb0xRZz09 Let’s brainstorm on art recovery with City In Motion Dance on reestablishing its 35-year old nonprofit school plua youth and professional companies after the pandemic. They will share their socially-distanced and
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Jade Green & John Lewis talk Art & Biz at CSL & FB on 9/24
Join us 9/24, 12– 1pm @ Center for Spiritual Living, 1014 W 39th St, Kansas City, MO, with enhanced social distancing practices OR view live @ https://www.facebook.com/Goguildit . Honoring Black Lives Matter . The presenters … Jade Green is part of The Black Creatures, a hip-hop musical duo. In the last five years, they have
- Published in GUILDit Presents
Coping with Covid Crisis for Artists and Performers
View the inspiring workshop video and slides below this description. Studies have shown artists have been hit the hardest by the covid recession, for in addition to social distancing and quarantine, they have lost their outlet of expression and significant income. Let’s chat with Coach and Artist Codie Lea plus Coach and Designer Linda Mordan,
- Published in GUILDit Presents
Facebook Marketing Workshop
Introducing GUILDit’s new online workshops to help diversify art & biz. Learn how to use Facebook Marketing best practices and features to get the most from your posts, events, videos,…. Tips to technical aspects will be covered. View and download the PDF presentation and below is a video of the workshop. Expert Bio: Natasha Ria
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Black Lives R Gifts
ART: Maya Angelou: Poet, singer, memoirist, and activist. Angelou used her gift of prose to create a change in people’s hearts. As a child, a period of abuse took her voice, but she overcame her adversity to become one of the most famous and influential voices of all time. She published 7 autobiographies, 3 books
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Stay Art/Biz Enriched
GUILDit is working to produce free online events in April, so that we can continue to promote art & biz and PAY our Kansas City area artists. Until then, below are some inspiring art online and art/ biz virus resources. ART ONLINE OUTLETS ARTHOUSE @ YOUR HOUSE: Interurban Arthouse FREE Facebook live stream series of
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