Optics Exhibit – Panel Discussion – Faus, Anderson, Albu, Dickens
Wednesday, 02 October 2019
by GUILDit
Gain insight into the complexity and depth of optic artwork as the panelists discuss taking risks and navigating ideas, as well as giving insight into audience questions on this captivation art style. The talk features GUILDit’s ‘Venture Into Optics’ exhibit and will be held in the gallery. Light refreshments served 6-6:30pm. Panelists: – Jose Faus
- Published in Special Events
Tagged under:
3-d printing, abstract art, art entrepreneurs, art event, art exhibit, Barry Anderson, cristins Albu, GUILDit, Johnson County Library, Jose Faus, Kansas City, KC Artists, KC Arts, KCAI, library, mo dickens, paintings, panel, sculpture, talk, UMKC, video, visual artists