Hunter Long, Talks 6/2 @ Kemper
Hunter Long is a composer, performer and producer. He has been awarded grants by the Robert Rauschenberg Foundation, the Ann and Gordon Getty Foundation, Charlotte Street Foundation and ArtsKC. Hunter was selected as a composer for the Darmstadt International Summer Course for New Music, the neif-norf Composition Workshop, the Montreal Contemporary Music Lab, the Banff
- Published in GUILDit Presents
KC artist’s 20 year career in a 7 minute GUILDit film
KC musician, songwriter, scriptwriter, composer and producer Christian Hankel tells his story @ GUILDit. Be inspired and learn from his successes and challenges. There are more talks like this @ GUILDit, every 1st & 3rd Thursday, noon-1pm at the Kauffman Foundation. Each talk is followed by 20 minutes of brainstorming to make art businesses even
- Published in GUILDit News
Fringe Triple Take
Get ready for the KC Fringe Festival July 16-26, with GUILDit’s Triple Take on the Fringe. We’ll highlight Fringe artists and the Fringe organizers. 1) On June 18th Christian Hankel talks about ‘Silver: A Noir Ballet‘ for which he wrote 11 original Jazz pieces. Plus, more on Christian’s 20-year career as a KC artist. 2) On July 2nd Fringe Festival
- Published in Special Events
Christian Hankel Talks On Silver: A Noir Ballet, Presents 6/18/15
Christian Hankel will talk on “Silver: A Noir Ballet” which he solely composed, arranged and produced. The ballet features live jazz musicians and a singer, as well as dancers. Silver is his most ambitious work to date in a career that spans 20 years. Christian started out as a creator and performer of original music in
- Published in GUILDit Presents