Sara Sally LaGrand, Talks on 10/27 @ Kemper
Saturday, 15 October 2016
Sara Sally LaGrand is an internationally known glass artist who has taught flameworking in Switzerland, France, England and all over the US. She has been awarded by the Bead Museum of Washington DC, Bead Button Magazine, and many local organizations. Her work has been published nationally and internationally. Sara is now using her connections and reputation to
- Published in GUILDit Presents
Genevieve Flynn, Talks on 10/27 @ Kemper
Friday, 14 October 2016
Genevieve Flynn has won national and international silversmith awards including the International Saul Bell Design Award. Plus, she has created a Metal Arts Visiting Master’s Program where she has hosts national and international master level instructors in jewelry. She is starting a new line by creating collectable, one of a kind sterling silver vessels and
- Published in GUILDit Presents