GUILDit Art/Biz Nonprofit brings back artist workspaces to Kansas City’s midtown, with discounted coworking and visual art studios at Plexpod Westport Commons. Originally a junior high school, the building is becoming an arts destination, housing the Medallion Theater, dance studios, KC Jazz Orchestra, Mesner Puppet Theatre, and soon visual artists, poets, authors, animators, film editors, and more. See Plexpod’s offerings and know GUILDit will provide them at a discount.
GUILDit Workspaces gives artists unprecedented business and personal amenities, such as meeting rooms, a photography studio, a podcast booth, free covered parking, a fitness area, gardening, and walking trails.
Contact us to get more details on the workspaces, to be put on a prospective artist list, for the press release, or to sponsor this new 24/7 program GUILDit has expanded to offer Kansas City Area artists.