The Havoc: The pandemic-caused recession has impacted the arts community significantly. KC Rising’s May 2020 report showed among twenty-four local industries, the arts had the ‘greatest depth of downturn’ and the ‘least strength to recover.’ Two Artist INC surveys conducted in March and May of 2020 demonstrated the severity, with 645 artists participating across the nation (most in KC area) showing an above-average impact. Additional findings include:
- 74% of artists lost wages and earnings
- Almost half lost 51% or more of their incomes
- Income impacts are worse for non-white artists
- 60% reported that creative output was down
Arts organizations also report significant losses. City in Motion Dance, a 35 year-old Kansas City nonprofit (CIM) is a prime example. CIM lost all of its revenue in 2020. All 30 employees were laid off.
Art Revovery: GUILDit hopes to provide affordable studio, gallery, co-working, and performance space to Kansas City artists and arts nonprofits at the Plexpod. This project will utilize Fellowships, Sponsorships, Supportive Services, and Research as a mechanism to study and grow art entrepreneurs’ businesses while enhancing and rebuilding the Kansas City arts and cultural community post-pandemic.
Providing affordable studios originating out of GUILDit’s 1/2020 Town Hall on Vanishing Studios, it has been expanded in recent months to enfold the performing arts. Help recover KC arts: Donate to help GUILDit recover KC Arts: http://www.guildit.org/donate2/ To learn more of GUILDit’s plan, please contact our Director SusanaB