A GUILDit Friends celebration of live art collaborations:
~ 2-3pm ~ 4 visual art makers: Ada Koch, Hugh Merrill, plus Angie & Michelle Dreher creating an amazing mural
~ 2:30~3pm ~ musician Rick Kloog
~ 3-3:30pm ~ 2 poets: Glenn North & Jose Faus
~ 3:30-4pm ~ 40 canvases given out
~ plus 7 galleries, appetizers, desserts, drinks, merry-making, and filmmaker Estuardo Garcia
We have 40 art canvases to give out. The 40, 8.5×11 canvases create the event mural, which is done by our 4 visual art makers. We will give away a canvas to the first 40 tickets sold. Purchase a buy now or Golden Friend tickets to be guaranteed a canvas and first pick.
Also, gift bags featuring Jason Pollen greeting cards will be given.
Proceeds benefit GUILDit’s work of creating events and communities centered around artists and best business practices. We connect artists, entrepreneurs, mentors, advisors, patrons, resources, and tools. Help GUILDit rebuild our economy and culture.
Tickets $25-$100 >> Get early bird tickets now. $5 will be added to each ticket the day of the event.
Bunker Center for the Arts: 1014 E 19th St; Kansas City, MO 64108
Sign-up to volunteer at the event. Get a free ticket for working an 80-minute time slot. Visit our SignUp Genius page >>
Thanks to our sponsors:
Thanks to our in-kind providers: