
Give to help grow the arts and economy. Your tax-deductible donation helps support GUILDit’s free programming for artists, patrons & entrepreneurs.

Each year we worked with over 100 artists in growing and promoting their businesses. Plus, we served over 3000 people at our events and exhibits. It’s easy to start giving to GuildIt


1. Support the arts, today; 2. A full house forum.

– Send a check to GUILDit at: 31 W 31st St, Kansas City, MO 64108

– Pay electronically free of fees at GUILDit’s Facebook page:

– To sponsor GUIDit, visit:

Examples of GuildIt Forums impact:

  • Dancer Maura was offered 2 grants becouse of GUILDit.
  • Painter Robin got into a top 10 KC gallery because of GUILDit.
  • Sculpture Dylan was offered free social media by a GUILDit alum that owns a marketing firm.
  • Musician Calvin was offered to do workshops at a KC library during GUILDit’s networking session.
  • Poet Sheri took all the great offers, referrals, and resources following her forum presentation to finally make the leap as a full-time artist and freelancer, leaving the 9-5 job, for a lifestyle that enabled more creativity.
  • Our audience members also benefit from the presentation of artist’s successes and challenges, plus the brainstorming of ideas on growing a business.